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  • Writer's pictureRyan Woolliss

Where to begin

The last 10 days have been hell!!! From my dad,sister and Hannah practically carrying me into a&e in agony, from which I then got transferred to Leeds via ambulance. To then having sepsis and getting rushed to intensive care with a heart rate of 240, in total spent four days in there with a brief visit back to ward in between but with in 2 hours my heart rate went back to 220 and straight back to intensive care. Had some very intrusive lines and stuff done but was too out of it to care! After getting on top of the sepsis I some how managed to get my stem cell harvesting done! After that I started to pick up a bit more each day and today we have got home for the weekend. I will be going back beginning of next week to have a stoma fitted again which will be hard especially after all the work I had done and pain to have pouch fitted and get rid of stoma before, but has to be done. There is a slight chance the pouch might be able to be reconnected in future but will have to see how much damage the chemo has done to pouch after finished. I will then have a week or so to recover before starting chemotherapy again! So all mad and hard! But we did get some news from MRI scan that the tumours have shrunk so some positivity at last!

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1 comentario

Neil Bunch
Neil Bunch
01 mar

Keep going mate!!! Sending love from all of us at the Swanne x

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