This is not how I wanted it to end. A Hospital bed in my front room at 33 years old. Struggling to move around or even feed myself. After discussion with my team in Leeds today, it's been decided I'm now too unwell for any chemo and I am now under the care of the Hospice at Home team. Hard to know what to even write at this point... Thank you all for following my journey and all your support and messages, I am now signing off to spend what time I have left with my family and close friends. Make sure you hug your loved ones tighter today, take every chance to make memories and grab any opportunities you want with both hands, live life with no regrets! To end on a positive note, I managed to get married to my girlfriend on Sunday and we had the most magical day, we only had a week to plan the wedding and family and friends all pulled together to make it happen for us. Life may feel shit and unfair but no-one can take those memories from us, celebrate them while you can and for those of you still battling this awful disease, keep fighting ❤️
