Not posted last couple of days since the gamma knife procedure, wasn't feeling too good, my head was shot as to be expected. Been having mini seizures in my left side at times and couldn't control that side of my body properly but side effects of that are better today. Had a bit of a wobbler when got here today, all started to dawn on me what's coming again with the chemo and got a bit overwhelmed with it all. Today I have had my PICC line fitted ready for treatment tomorrow and then managed to persuade the nurses to let me go out for a Nandos 🙂 before more than likely not being able to eat for a while. Terrified of what's coming after already having 2 of the 3 chemotherapy drugs I'll be given on my previous chemo and had awful side effects last time, the only one that didnt make me too bad is not part of this chemo!
