Hello, Hannah (Ryan's girlfriend) here! Sorry he's not been replying to messages for a few days, he's had a horrendous few days, so thought I would update on his behalf until he's a little better. Overnight on Tuesday he was taken into A&E with excruciating abdominal pain due to a suspected blockage in his bowel. After lots of pain relief to try and control the pain he was transferred to St James in Leeds to take care of his bowel. However, on arrival in Leeds he quickly deteriorated and was found to be in neutropenic sepsis. Despite all the usual treatments, he continued to rapidly deteriorate and had to be rushed to Intensive care to stabilise him. He had a Heart rate of 250, really high temperature and scarily low blood pressure despite having litres of fluids given into his vein. He felt like he was dying and at one point they had the emergency crash trolley next to his bed and a full critical care outreach team working on him. We were told he was very ill and the next 24 hours would be critical as to whether he would pull through or not. Thankfully, he seems more stable now, just awaiting the surgeons to fix the bowel issue to relieve the pain. They have tried an enema to relieve the blockage but to no effect so he's still in the same pain and needing lots of morphine to even take the edge off. He's been seen by his cancer Consultant who wants to press on with the chemo to give the best chance of survival but needs to get the balance right with managing his bowels at the same time so that needs some planning. But at the time now he doesn't feel like he can do anymore,Just shows you never know what's around the corner and really need to enjoy every day while you can ♥️
